Topic Discussion For Creating A Research Paper With References And Sources
Monday, December 30, 2019
Effective Leadership And The Leadership Essay - 1398 Words
INTRODUCTION: - This report will investigate on the effective leadership and the need for the leaders to lead from behind and put others in front in the occurrence of nice things and to take the front line when there is a danger. The quote means that leadership should be a collective activity where the leader understands all his followers and includes all of them in his leadership activity. Leadership is defined as a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. (Northhouse, 2010, p. 3). This article will enlighten essential leadership qualities Mandela held, and which aided him to triumph what many other leaders have never accomplished. After his release, he champions for better leadership that unites all the people irrespective of race, status, or place of origin. Meanwhile, the country hosts Rugby World Cup sport, which the veteran leader becomes keenly interested in how his team could win. On top of this, the sport is used as a basis to reflect on the determination that must be upheld by a team before it can defeat opponents. On the same note, the quote reveals the leadership qualities of the president. Thereby, the report will also analyze the leadership theories and demonstrate different styles of leadership Nelson Mandela implemented in the movie â€Å"Invictus†. 2.0 Analysis: - 2.1. Scene 1: - Mandela Invites Pienaar: - Mandel invites Francois Pienaar, a white Afrikaner and South African (Springbok) Rugby team captain,Show MoreRelatedLeadership : Effective And Effective Leadership848 Words  | 4 PagesFollowership Effective followership is an essential component of effective leadership in that, without good followers, the leader’s work is difficult and cumbersome. The role of the follower is many times understated. 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The Bible tells us that leaders are to lead with integrity and values that govern the heart. â€Å"So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with skillful hands.†(Psalm 78:72 NKJV) Unfortunately, that is not the practice of many in leadership, often leaders operate with a public set of values that differs from that of their private life. The definition of effective leadership has changed from characterRead MoreLeadership Styles : Effective Leadership840 Words  | 4 PagesThis short paper examines effective leadership. Effective leadership may be outlined in many ways. Although exposed to several different leadership styles, I find that I respond best to a leader who believes in the works and theories of Confucius. According to McMahon, the Confucian leadership system believes that leadership is an emergent quality of the character that radiates and makes others want to follow, based on the respect and trust the leader generates (McMahon, 2010) . 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Fullan (2001) posits that effective school leadership has the ability to manage educational chan geRead MoreEffective Leadership2033 Words  | 9 PagesAn effective leader can be described as one who has the ability to inspire, influence and motivate people to achieve constructive change (Pierce Newstrom 2008). Zand (cited in DuBrin, Dalglish Miller 2006) further suggests that knowledge, power and trust are the three forces that contribute most to effective leadership. In assessing Gerry Harvey’s effectiveness as a leader, we have critically analysed his strengths and weaknesses in each of these areas by examining his leadership style, traitsRead MoreEffective Leadership922 Words  | 4 Pagesemployees and the communities they serve. In order to be effective, leaders must constantly strive to create a work environment conducive for team unity and collaboration (Llopis, 2012). Good leaders pride themselves on being visionaries with the ability to lead by example. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
There Are Millions Of Illegal Immigrants Located Within
There are millions of illegal immigrants located within the United States, and every year that number increases. Illegal immigration has been and still is an ongoing battle that keeps emerging worldwide. The controversial debate of whether illegal immigrants are straining the economy or benefiting it is still being argued. Many Americans are uncertain if they should be for it or against it and at the same time people don’t really know if immigration in general is acceptable or a threat to the economy. Whether people believe that the effects of illegal immigrants have a negative or a positive impact on our society, it is still a tendentious topic to be debated about. Immigrants are people from other countries who enter another country†¦show more content†¦They re sending people that have lots of problems, and they re bringing those problems with us. They re bringing drugs. They re bringing crime. They re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. Although Trump and many other Americans may assume that, how much of it is true? In an article that I researched, Rich Furman, thinks otherwise. He states â€Å"For instance, business leaders have often been outspoken about the importance of undocumented workers to their industries, and to our overall economy†which proves that illegal immigrants are important in many ways, and in this case it shows that illegal immigrants are a great impact to the economy (Furman 284). After reading this statement it led me to believe that not only are industries like construction and manufacturing growing which in my opinion is benefitting the economy, but at the same time unemployment rates have dec reased around the nation which an improvement is being made especially since the numbers are so high. Although some immigrants are considered assets to many companies and factories, it is believe that one of the most negative impact that many Americans believe is that illegal immigrants are stealing jobs away from United States citizens. This statement is what gets me every time because in my opinion from what I have seen is that the undocumented immigrants are shown out the doorShow MoreRelatedCommunity Health Center for the Uninsured and Undocumented Immigrants1499 Words  | 6 Pages Although the number of illegal immigrants is substantially growing on a daily basis, the national health care policies seem to fail in addressing their medical needs. This, however, is becoming a growing challenge because of the conflicts between medical ethics and immigration laws. Despite the alluded hope for this patients group within the immigration reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) fails to alleviate the burden of their unmet health care needs. Advocates of theirRe ad MoreIllegal Immigration Is The Land Of Freedom And Opportunity1208 Words  | 5 Pagesfreedom and opportunity. There has been an increasing number of illegal immigrants entering the country over the years. â€Å"It is estimated that more than 12 million undocumented immigrants currently reside within the United States, with this number projected to increase into the foreseeable future (Muschek 2015). The majority of illegal immigrants are Mexicans, â€Å"75% of all illegal immigrants come from Mexico†(Krogstad 2016). Illegal immigration can be defined as someone staying in a country withoutRead MoreAre Children Of Illegal Immigrants1122 Words  | 5 PagesPSA Essay Are Children of illegal immigrants entitled to a public education? Yes, as a matter of fact, they are! Their parents work for minimum wage and still pay taxes, therefor their child should be able to attend public school. How many Americans don’t work and live off the system, but yet their child still gets a public education? Most minors are placed under the care of the Department of Health and Human Services which offers education rights. After a while the child will be released intoRead MoreDifferences Of Immigration In The United States1478 Words  | 6 PagesAfter the election there were thousands who suggested that the United States had some harsh immigration laws, making it strikingly difficult for immigrants and refugees alike to enjoy the freedoms and human rights that the United States offers. However, in 2015 the United States accepted over 1-million permanent migrants which made it the #1 country for immigration. At the same time, the United States also held onto its top spot as one of the top refugee resettlement countries4. Comparatively, countriesRead MoreThe Legal Status Of Illegal Immigrants1482 Words  | 6 Pagesfrom the days of ancient Rome to the modern day USA in order to count the number of people that are living within a given territory. The goal is to count every single ind ividual once regardless of social status, race, ethnicity, or legal status. Although counting individuals sounds like an easy task, the US census is a burdensome task in which the government tries to account for 300 million residents at an estimated operation budget of 14 billion dollars (Singer, Census 2010 Can Count on Controversy)Read MoreThe Immigration Of The United States1632 Words  | 7 PagesEuropean to settle in the New World. Since the colonial era, America has seen a wave of immigrants migrate in search of freedom and equality. Is this the same immigration today? Nearly 11.6 million immigrants from Mexico reside in the U.S. Today Immigration has a significant impact on many aspects of life in the United States, from the workforce and the classroom to communities across the country. Not all immigrants come to America legally whether as naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents, refugeesRead MoreThe Immigration Of The United States1628 Words  | 7 PagesEurope an to settle in the New World. Since the colonial era, America has seen a wave of immigrants migrate in search of freedom and equality. Is this the same immigration today? Nearly 11.6 million immigrants from Mexico reside in the U.S. Today Immigration has a significant impact on many aspects of life in the United States, from the workforce and the classroom to communities across the country. Not all immigrants come to America legally whether as naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents, refugeesRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1532 Words  | 7 Pagespermanent residence†(â€Å"immigrant†). In the beginning, America was the land of opportunity, which allowed people to have a chance at reaching success. Since then, the population has grown to over 320 million people. Because of the explosion of people entering the United States, a restriction must be instilled on the number of new foreigners who are allowed in. America is now well established, a nd the economy is not strong enough to support more than the population currently living within the borders. InRead MoreIllegal Immigrants in Lebanon Essays1564 Words  | 7 Pagesitself to be a receiving country, it has been a destination or transit state for illegal immigrants from all around the world. The country hosts today around 1,5 million refugees, including 1 million Syrians, 400,000 Palestinians, 50,000 Iraqis, and other nationalities (Tabar, 2010; â€Å"UNCHR-Lebanon†, 2013). Lebanon fulfills most of the factors cited by Gordon Hanson to qualify a country as a successful destination for illegal migrants. These factors includes geographic vicinity to home country, relativelyRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1618 Words  | 7 Pagesforeigners that travel here from various countries from different parts of the world. Within the 70,000 travelers, over 60,000 of them are tourists, businessmen, and students. In the United States currently, with every 2,000 legal immigrants, there are 5,000 illegal immigrants. Since the 1990’s, illegal immigrants have been tremendously outnumbering legal immigrants by millions. Because of this ruckus with illegal immigrants, U.S lawmakers have made many attempts to restructure the immigration laws so that
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Spanish Inquisition Free Essays
The Spanish Inquisition was a controversial time primarily during the 15th century. However, it kept reoccurring during other parts of history rather than only in the 15th century. There were many different methods used in which non-Christians would be tortured. We will write a custom essay sample on The Spanish Inquisition or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sometimes, the wrong people would be tortured if they believed that the person they were torturing really wasn’t Christian. The torturing of people because of their religion is what makes the Spanish Inquisition such a disturbing and dark part of history. The reason for the Spanish Inquisition was because the Christians conquered Spain again, which led to the Christians forcing non-Christian people, such as Jews, to convert to Christianity. Any non-Christian who refused to convert to Christianity would be prosecuted and tortured using different methods such as starvation, strappado, racking and many other forms of torture. In 1478, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabelle of Castile established the Spanish Inquisition. The reason the inquisition was established was because Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabelle of Castile wanted to unite Spain. The Spanish Inquisition could help economically because money could be made by stealing property from accused heretics. Another reason for the Spanish Inquisition is because Ferdinand and Isabelle believed that Spain could be united under Christianity. Also, Ferdinand and Isabelle discriminated against Jews simply because they were anti-Semites. The first Inquisitors arrived in Seville in 1480 to abolish heresy. Heresy is a belief or opinion that is contrary to an orthodox religious doctrine (especially Christianity). Many Spanish Jews were forced to convert to Christianity and some of them converted by choice. There were different sentences for those found guilty of heresy. If you were found guilty of heresy, then your property would be confiscated and you would be burned to death. There would be public humiliation for those found guilty at the auto da fe, which is the ceremony where the heretic would be burned to death. The time of the greatest influence during the Spanish Inquisition was under the reigns of Philip II and Philip III. This time period occurred in 1569-1621. The Inquisition had suffered previous to this time period because of a lack of direction under Charles V, who ruled from 1517-1556. But, during the reign of Philip II, there eventually became 16 tribunals in Spain, two tribunals in Italy and three in the New World. The Inquisition greatly expanded its prosecution of many different religious crimes. Ordinary Spaniards were drawn into the tribunals as well as Protestants, conversos, Moriscos and foreigners. There was detailed questioning even to people who most likely didn’t commit heresy. These people would be fined one or two ducats, which was considered a very heavy fine. The tribunals relied on unpaid officials. First, there were the two networks of familiars and camisarios. The familiars were laymen charged with carrying messages, arresting suspects and delivering them to the Inquisition. The comisarios were priests who assisted in the gathering of evidence at the local level. Calificadores would advise the inquisitors about the accusations to whether someone was a heretic or not. There was a cruel way in which the Inquisition functioned. Possible heretics weren’t treated like in today’s standards mostly because the phrase â€Å"innocent until proven guilty†wasn’t followed. First, there was the accusation. When the Inquisition arrived in a city, the first step was known as the Edict of Grace. It was called this because a period of grace was offered to the people accused of a crime to bring the accused person to the church without severe punishment. Next, there was the detention. The case would be examined by the calificadores would determine if there was heresy involved. Many cases lasted up to two years before the calificadores examined the case. The property of the prisoner would be taken during detention. This property would be used to pay for expenses and the own costs and maintenance of the person being accused. The entire process was done with much secrecy. The trial process is after the detention process. The trial consisted of a series of hearings. The denouncers and defendants both gave their testimonies. Torture was used until the defendant would confess. The torture used was very unsystematic. It was applied mainly to those suspected of Judaism and Protestantism. Torture would even be applied regardless of a person’s age. Basically even children and elderly people would be tortured. Torture played a major role in the Spanish Inquisition. There were many different methods of torture. One method of torture was strappado. Strappado was when the victims would be suspended from the ceiling by their wrists. The victim would fall from a height and be stopped by an abrupt jerk right before they reach the ground. Another method of torture was starvation in which the person accused of heresy would be starved. Racking was also used. A rack was an instrument of torture consisting of a frame on which the victim was stretched by turning rollers to which the wrists and ankles were tied. Toca was a method of making the victim believe they were drowning by putting a cloth in their mouth and pouring a jar of water in their mouth. How to cite The Spanish Inquisition, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Analyze Various Aspects Of Entry Barriers In The US Car Market
Question: Discuss about the Analyze Various Aspects Of Entry Barriers In The US Car Market. Answer: Introduction Car manufacturing industry is one of the major industries in the market of United States (US). Three of the major companies dominate the car industry of US are GM, Ford and Chrysler. However, it can be seen in the recent years that major companies all over the world are entering into the car industry of US. Thus, the main aim of this report is to analyze various aspects of entry barriers in the US car market. Analysis According to the provided case study, many renowned car makers all over the world have been showing interest in doing business in US car market. Some of them even have established plants in US so that they can avoid the import and political instructions. Still, it can be seen that the US car market has been exposed to few new entrants. There are two specific reasons behind this. First, the manufacturing process of cars is very complex. The internal combustion engines of cars are mad out of thousands of precisely engineered parts. For this reason, it is difficult for outside US carmakers to bring all the parts of combustion engines from their own countrys plants (Lofstrom, Bates and Parker 2014). In this context, it needs to be mentioned that most of the companies outside US have their plants established in their own countries. Thus, it is an expensive process for the outside companies to bring the parts in the US market. Second, in order to be cost competitive, the companies are requ ired to make production on large-scale basis. The main reason is that large-scale production helps the car companies to be cost competitive. Most of the outside car companies are not able to maintain these two aspects (Wells and Nieuwenhuis 2012). For this reason, the US car industry has not been exposed to a few carmakers. The provided statement states that the car companies are required to produce in large scale to be cost competitive. Large-scale production refers to the specific production process that helps the companies to make the production process in large numbers or large scales. The main advantage of large-scale production is that it helps the companies to produce more units with the reduction in cost per unit (Hendrick and Kleiner 2016). In the US car industry, the earlier mentioned major three companies manufacture cars in the large-scale basis. For this reason, they are able to acquire the majority portion of the car market. In this situation, in order to manufacture more units and to save cost, the outside car companies are required to manufacture in large-scale basis so that they can compete with the three companies. For this reason, the major strategy is to establish large manufacturing plants in US so that they can manufacture large number of cars in fewer costs (Rothaermel 2015). In a ddition, the outside car manufacturers can manufacture electric vehicles as they take less costs to be produced. They can adopt these two strategies. Conclusion The above discussion shows that the outside US car companies have to bear large expenses as they are have to bring thousands of parts of car engine in US. In addition, due to lack of large-scale production, they fail to get cost benefits. These reasons contribute to the entry of outside car companies in US. The above discussion also shows that the outside car companies are required to set up large-scale manufacturing units so that they can be cost effective. References Hendrick, H.W. and Kleiner, B. eds., 2016.Macroergonomics: theory, methods, and applications. CRC Press.Management Lofstrom, M., Bates, T. and Parker, S.C., 2014. Why are some people more likely to become small-businesses owners than others: Entrepreneurship entry and industry-specific barriers.Journal of Business Venturing,29(2), pp.232-251. Rothaermel, F.T., 2015. Strategic management. McGraw-Hill Education. Wells, P. and Nieuwenhuis, P., 2012. Transition failure: Understanding continuity in the automotive industry.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,79(9), pp.1681-1692.
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